Stages of Pregnancy: Highlights

She stays pregnant for weeks and days until she holds her baby in her arms. What are the stages of pregnancy? Know the stages of pregnancy in this article.

Pregnancy Stages: Highlights

Pregnancy lasts 40 weeks from the first day of the last monthly cycle until the birth of the baby. Here are the stages of pregnancy in the following lines:

Pregnancy Stages: Phase 1 (1–12 weeks)

Early changes indicating pregnancy begin to appear in the first trimester. The absence of a menstrual cycle is the first sign of fertilization and pregnancy. Here are the details of the first stage for the mother and the foetus in the following:

  1. Fetus in the first month

The egg is fertilized with sperm, and then the pollinated egg is divided and transferred from the fallopian tube to the uterus. The pollinated egg is implanted in the lining of the womb, and the body begins to produce human chorionic gonadotropin.

Changes in the fetus include the following:

The primitive face is shaped by the large black haloes of the eyes.

The mouth, lower jaw, and throat develop.

The heart is the beginning of the formation of the nervous system.

Blood cells form, and blood circulation begins.

Arm and leg buds begin to develop.

The fetus shall be 1/4 inch in length, i.e., smaller than a grain of rice.

  1. Fetus in the second month

Changes to the fetus include the following:

The size of the child is more than half an inch.

Facial features continue to develop, and eyelids and ears form.

The fingers of the hands and feet grow longer.

Start being sexual.

beginning the development of the digestive system and sensory organs.

The head is large by virtue of the rest of the body at this point.

  1. Fetus in the third month

At this stage, the development of the genitals is complete, but it is still difficult to distinguish the sexes in ultrasound.

Changes to the fetus include the following:

Arms, hands, fingers, and feet are fully formed.

The outer ears are formed.

The beginnings of the teeth are formed under the gums.

Eyelids remain closed to protect the eyes until week 28.

The growth of the head slows; the child is about 10 centimeters long and weighs about 28 grams.

  1. Changes for pregnant women in the first phase

Changes during this stage of pregnancy include:

Minor contractions, blood stains during the fourth week during the transplant occurrence.

Fatigue and numbness

Breast pain.

Nausea and vomiting, especially morning sickness,

The need to pee a lot

The mucous plug develops in the cervical channel aperture.

the desire to eat certain foods.


constipation and indigestion.

Weight changes.

Pregnancy Stages: Phase II (13–26 weeks)

Once in the second trimester, the placenta continues to develop, producing progesterone and estrogen, with details as follows:

  1. Fetus in the fourth month

Changes to the fetus include the following:

The fetus is about 14 centimeters long.

He starts sucking his thumb.

The eyelashes and eyebrows appear.

Taste buds are formed on the tongue.

  1. Fetus in the fifth month

Changes to the fetus include the following:

The fetus begins to move.

The embryo develops muscle growth.

The head continues to grow.

The fetus is about 25 centimeters long and weighs 226–453 grams.

  1. Fetus in the sixth month

Changes to the fetus include the following:

Formation of blood cells in the bone marrow

Footprints and fingers form.

The lungs form, but they haven’t worked yet.

The child has a regular sleep cycle.

If the child is a male, his testicle begins to descend to the scrotum, and if the child is a female, a lifelong stock of eggs is stored in the ovaries.

The baby stores fat.

The baby weighs about half a pound and is 30.5 centimeters long.

  1. Changes for Pregnant Women in Phase II

Changes during this stage of pregnancy include:

Absence of morning sickness and fatigue

Abdominal expansion.

The appearance of stretch marks on the body

The corona in the breast becomes darker.

Bloated ankles, fingers, and face

Back pain, abdomen, and thigh pain

the appearance of a black-colored line on the abdomen.

Feeling the baby’s movements

Pregnancy Stages: Phase 3 (27–40 weeks)

It is the last stage of pregnancy; the child continues to grow and the pressure on the internal organs increases. Here are the details:

  1. Fetus in the seventh month

Changes to the fetus include the following:

Hearing develops fully.

The fetus constantly changes its position.

It responds to stimuli such as sound, pain, and light.

Contraction of amniotic fluid

  1. Fetus at 8 months

Changes to the fetus include the following:

Body fat increases.

The child grows up and has less room to move around.

Movements become less powerful, but you still feel them pregnant.

  1. Fetus in the ninth month

Changes to the fetus include the following:

The baby’s head is in the pelvic area in preparation for birth.

The child weighs approximately 2,722 grams.

The brain develops rapidly.

The lungs develop almost entirely.

  1. Changes for pregnant women in phase III

Changes during the last pregnancy included:


Shortness of breath

Swelling of the ankles, face, and fingers.

Mood changes.

Milk leakage from the breast

Frequent urination.


Braxton-Hicks contractions that do not indicate labor

Real contractions that indicate labor

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