Healthy eating during pregnancy

Healthy food during pregnancy is very important for your health and that of your unborn child. Here is some guidance on the foods you should eat during pregnancy.

What you eat during pregnancy plays a very important role, as vitamins and minerals travel from your body, through your placenta, to your baby. Following a healthy and balanced diet during pregnancy ensures that the fetus has access to the nutrients it needs to grow healthily and robustly. Read on to see what is considered “healthy” when it comes to your diet during pregnancy.

healthy diet during pregnancy

Minor adjustments to your daily diet benefit you and your child. Even if you are always keen to feed yourself healthily, there are some foods to avoid and others you have to eat large quantities of, so you better read more about what to eat and what to avoid during pregnancy.

Healthy Food Dish

The Healthy Food Dish below can be used as a guide to healthy food, as it guides you to the food that your diet should include, and what quantities. However, during pregnancy, there are some other considerations to take into account.

Useful tips on healthy foods during pregnancy

Eating a range of foods of all types gives you a good food balance.

Make sure to eat multiple meals in small quantities. You should eat 3 main meals per day, with 2-3 snacks between the main meals.

Add extra fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and beans to get more fiber.

  • Drink less than 3 liters of water every day with additional liquids such as low-fat milk and fresh fruit juices. Soup comes in front of liquids to eat.

Take one slice of oily fish and one slice of white fish each week (but avoid shark, swordfish, and marlin).

Vegetables, corn, olives, and sunflower oil are healthier alternatives to butter for cooking, but try using them moderately.

Processed and packaged foods may contain high levels of salt and additives, so you are advised to avoid them as much as possible.

Drink no more than two cups of tea or coffee every day.

Know that desserts, crisps, biscuits, fats, oils, and sugar do not contain real nutritional value—just extra calories—so it is preferable to leave them for special occasions and invitations or to replace them with healthy and rich foods. Resisting it now will make it easier for you to restore your texture as it was before conception.

If you feel you are not eating enough of a particular food group and you are concerned about the loss of certain vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients, talk to your doctor, who may be able to help you or suggest a safe complement to the pregnancy.

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